So instead of passing it along to 25 people (I know, I know... I'll break the chain and have all kinds of bad luck and yada, yada, yada. Bad luck doesn't scare me so much anymore) I decided to go out on a limb and post my 25 things here, on my blog. Besides... I'm not sure I know 25 people I can send it to.
I have a *lot* more readers on my other blog, but this is still a stretch for me and I'm uncomfortable doing it. Whatever.
So, here they are... 25 random things about me. Be kind...
1. I normally would never *ever* do one of these things or pass it on. Today I feel differently.
2. I'm writing a book called "This is the Place: Finding Yourself in Life Through Tribulation." I'm sure that title won't stick. It's a book about how we can use the experiences of the pioneers to the west to have full and complete lives. It's better than it sounds here ;-)
3. I think I'm addicted to chapstick. Seriously.
4. Breathe-Rights are the greatest sleep aid ever invented. Sometimes I wear mine all day.
5. I'm terribly uncomfortable in any social situation. I don't know what to say. If you ever think I'm having a good time and not self-conscious... I'm faking it. For real.
6. Sometimes I think God speaks to me. In those times even I think I'm crazy. I like being crazy.
7. Since my Dad passed I have no one left to really talk to. Sometimes I talk to him anyway.
8. I really like quantum physics. I believe in multiple parallel realities. Don't ask.
9. I fell in love with 3 women in my life. I am blessed to be married to the last. I would be lost without her. And broke. And homeless. And miserable.
10. I feel perfect when I am teaching and when I am a dad.
11. Pizza is my favorite food. It's not even close. It's probably my second favorite food as well.
12. In my life I want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, hike across kauai and backpack through the ancient ruins in South America.
13. I wish I still spoke Spanish as well as I did when I lived in Uruguay. I'm sad that I didn't take the time and make the effort to keep speaking... and even learn a few more languages.
14. My biggest fear is that my kids will grow up and won't know what's truly important to me. They'll think it's work, or computers, or sports, or something else and won't know that what's truly important to me is them. They are my joy. I don't show it enough.
15. Sometimes when I teach I discover that I know things I didn't know. It sounds weird, but it's true. It's one of the reasons I think I'm a great teacher. The other reason is because I'm an even better learner.
16. I don't tell them enough, but my sisters are the best sisters in the world. I think that's because my mom is so great.
17. I hate the walls we've artificially constructed in society that make it okay to judge people because they are of a different race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, or social and economic background than us. That's stupid. I wish we could drop all the other "names" we assign people and just recognize we are brothers and sisters.
18. I'd like to rebuild a 1968 or 1969 Camaro. Camaros built after 1969 suck and we should all pretend they never happened.
19. I cry during movies. A lot. Especially inspirational ones like Renaissance Man or Mr. Holland's Opus. If you haven't seen those movies you should rent them tonight. Especially Mr. Holland's Opus.
20. The Phoenix Suns break my heart every year. I shouldn't care... and most years I swear I don't. But I do. I wish I could quit. I don't think I ever will.
21. I regret not going to college. It's not for the education I missed (which I didn't). It's for the relationships I never built. I don't know anyone.
22. I desperately wish I could sing. Nothing inspires me more regularly than music. I think it would be cool to have that gift. I shake my head at people that have the gift and don't share. It's selfish.
23. I listen to music to get myself in a good space before I speak or teach. I always end with "It's About Time" by John Denver. It reminds me of my Dad. Here are some of the artists I listen to when I want to be inspired: John Denver, Josh Groban, Vince Gill, and William Joseph. There are others but I don't remember them now.
24. I've listened to more than 500 books on my iPod. When you see me walking around with headphones on it's because I'm listening to a book. Not music. And, I'll let you in on another secret if you promise not to tell... a lot of the time I'm not listening to anything. But if I pretend like I am then people leave me alone.
25. My Dad is my hero. I want to grow up and be like him. Especially I want to love life like him. I have a lot to learn.
And... just for good measure... here are 5 more things because I'm feeling generous ;-)
26. Mac is better than Windows. There. I said it. I feel so much better now... even though more than 90% of the income I've made in my life comes from Windows.
27. I used to be a Republican. Then I was a Democrat. Now I think it's really silly that I would categorize the complexity of my social and political beliefs in a single word. Today I'm just me.
28. It took me longer than a day to write the first 12 items on this list. It took so long because I care too much about what you think. Somewhere deep inside I'm still not sure I'll actually click the "Publish Post" button and unleash this on the world.
29. "The Fountainhead" (Ayn Rand) is my favorite novel.
30. "Time For Me To Fly" by REO Speedwagon is the greatest song ever. I don't know why. It just is.