Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is She Awesome, Or What?

Andi’s really been getting into photography, Photoshop and scrapbooking over the past year.  Since I don’t have an eye (or an inkling) for that kind of stuff, I’ve done my best to support her in other ways.

That generally means whipping out the debit card for cameras, computers, scrapbooking materials, etc.  It also means introducing her to the basics of Photoshop and what it can do.

The help generally ends there, though.

Andi does photo editing in Photoshop.  I do web work.  It’s a big enough difference that she’s really on her own.  (Although she’s pressing me to break out the card again to send her to a Photoshop summer camp that doubles as a cruise to the Mexican Riviera.  We’ll see.)

But yesterday she got me involved in something else I can help with.  She asked me to show her how to set up a blog and website where she can share her pics and thoughts.

Ahhh… now that’s something I can get into.

So I got her going on her Mac (she’s the one that introduced me to the Mac when she insisted that I get her one).  I bought her a domain ( and got her all set up with web hosting and the works.  (There are some benefits that come from having a complete geek for a dad.  Not a lot.  But definitely some.)

I think she was up until 3:00am working on her site.  And she’s put in another few hours today.

She has the same concerns I do about blogging.  What do I say?  Who cares?  Will this be stupid?

Whatever.  She’s got her first post up.

And I have to say that her blog is waaaaay better than mine.  Crazy better.

And I’m definitely having a proud papa moment here.

Check this out (and make sure and leave a comment).  Could you do that?  Didn’t think so.  Come to think of it, neither could I.

Andi, I’m proud of you.