Monday, February 1, 2010

New Socks…

I’m excited.  I got new socks today.

I know… not typically a post-worthy event.  But today it is.

First of all, I’ve been wanting new socks for months.  But they never seem to rise to the top of the to-do list (assuming I actually had a list… which I don’t).

But next week is my annual snowboard trip.  And I wanted to make sure I had new socks for the trip (I take socks seriously when it’s cold).

So today I headed out to REI to pick up some new socks.  Here’s the damage…


If you’re keeping score at home, that’s 6 pairs of socks with a 10% discount for buying more than 3 pairs and a 10% (I think) co-op discount.  Total bill: $83.28.

Now, normally I wouldn’t spend that much on 6 pairs of socks (I don’t think… it’s been awhile).  But they had some cool socks that I just had to try out.  So I got 1 pair of 6 different kinds to see which socks I like best (it will be hard to beat my Timberland socks).

1 Pair is just for “extreme snowboarding.”  I’m not sure what makes them uniquely qualified for ‘boarding… but I guess I’ll find out next week.  I felt a little embarrassed that I’d been snowboarding with just dumb old ski socks this whole time ;-)  Who knew?

The others were all hiking socks (which is why I’ve wanted new socks for so long… my good hiking socks are wearing out… and disappearing).

Lauren and the girls laughed at me when I tried on my first pair.  I like them, though… and they might even be my favorites.  I’ll know for sure after my morning hike tomorrow.

In the mean time, have a gander…


Nice, huh?

Warm?  Yes.

Comfy?  You bet.

Dorky?  Absolutely.

Just wait until my kids see that I have a second pair of toe socks.  They’re already embarrassed by/for me.  I mean, what’s funner than getting something you enjoy *and* embarrassing your wife and kids at the same time?