Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3 Days and Nothing to Write…

Going through a bit of a boring spell here.  Nothing to write about.

So I’ll pass the time with some random observations…

I have 2 places to hang shirts in my wardrobe.  How are they organized?  In the most obvious and natural way…  The hangers with shirts that were placed on hangers by right-handed people (i.e. the dry cleaners) go on the left and the hangers with shirts from left-handed people (i.e. me) go on the right.

It’s much easier that way.  Otherwise my wardrobe becomes a mess with shirts facing every which-way.

If you’re right handed that makes no sense to you.  If you’re left-handed you’re nodding your head right now wishing you had such a brilliant system.  Right?

In-N-Out burgers rock.  So why can’t they get the fries right?

And… if you’ve never tried them… you should try In-N-Out fries animal style.  Burgers are great animal style.  Fries are better.

I got keys to my new office yesterday.  Woohoo.  I haven’t had an office outside my home in years.  Maybe I’m growing up.  Probably not.  I’ll be surprised if I go in 1 day a week.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do with 3 offices and a reception area yet.

I’m cheering for the Colts in the Superbowl.  Call me un-American (in not rooting for the post-Katrina Saints)… but there’s something about repeated mastery that draws me to the Colts… even if they’re a bit on the boring side.  Peyton Manning is so frighteningly efficient and in control.  I love it.

Besides, probably the best thing I can do for the Saints is back the Colts.

It’s funny how much of my independence I’ve willfully given away over the years (it’s especially shocking if you know me and how much I value my independence).

I think the best example of this hit me on Sunday.

With our new schedule and my calling I’m up and out of the house long before anyone else even wakes up on Sundays.

And it stresses me out.


Because even though I have a great wardrobe that I picked out (Lauren doesn’t yet know what to look for in suits, ties, dress shirts, and dress shoes) I’ve discovered that I can no longer dress myself with any degree of confidence.

So I went to my Sunday morning meetings feeling overly self-conscious about my shoe selection.  And even texted Lauren halfway through asking her to please bring me a different pair of shoes.  And then changing my mind again.  And ultimately realizing that what I really needed was for Lauren and Holly to each give me their thumbs-up on my wardrobe.

(As an aside, it should tell you something about my shoe collection that when I asked Lauren to bring me my nice black shoes she didn’t know which nice black pair to bring.  I’m sure I have at least 30 pairs of shoes in my wardrobe.  Can you tell I live with only women?)

It’s silly, really.  I’m a grown man who knows how to dress himself in clothes that look good.  Especially when I’m “suiting up.”  And yet I’m not complete without the approval of my wife and daughter.

Apparently I’m whipped.

It’s good to be whipped.