Monday, January 11, 2010

Mo meets Jo… and other random thoughts

Okay… first off, I just have to say WOW! for the Cardinals game yesterday.  Talk about *serious* mojo heading into next week’s game.  Just… wow.

The bad news was that I turned it off when the Packers won the toss in overtime.  I couldn’t handle it.

I know… right?

When my neighborhood erupted in shouts 2 minutes later I raced back in time to watch the replays.  I wish I hadn’t turned it off… but I’m kind of glad I did.  I just got an expensive new remote for Christmas, and… well… you know.

Of course, the Cardinals rocking, impressive, total mojo win made me 3 out of 4 picking the weekend games.  Not bad.  I beat the only sportswriter I follow… Bill Simmons (The Sports Guy on  He was 0 for 4.  Did I mention I was 3 for 4?  I thought so.

Other random thoughts…

Apparently I don’t blog on days when I’ve stayed up all night.  I pulled that twice last week and missed my blog posts both days.  Once I missed it and I had Live Writer (my blog software) open to the post on my desktop.

Don’t know how that’s going to play out since I do that several times each month.  We’ll see.

Also, my new church schedule is confusing me.  It’s not just the early start (my first meeting is at 7:30am… which means I’m up about 6:30).  It’s that I routinely get to bed after 3:00am.  So on Sundays I’m fighting whether I should try to get some sleep or just stick it out and sleep after church (which is at about 3:00pm for me).

I’ve had 1 of each so far this year.

I’m thinking the ultimate solution might be to (*gasp*) go to bed at a more reasonable time.  But that throws the rest of my schedule off.  Don’t ask.

New random thought… my current church calling is my favorite.  Which is odd… because I didn’t think it would beat teaching (in church).  It does.  I don’t understand it.

Even more strange, after years of knowing I don’t like people I’ve learned that I kind of like people.  What should I do?  That really blows some things up for me.

Lastly… my days of grinding last week culminated in the development of some of the most ridiculously cool software I’ve ever written… and a re-designed bedroom (but that’s another story).

I rock.