I am so the opposite of my wife and daughters. And sisters, for that matter.
I can give Lauren $100 and she’ll clothe the entire family in inexpensive, yet stylish, clothes that she finds for $7 at who knows where. I love that she can do that. And she enjoys it. If it were an Olympic sport I think I would put the photo of her on the podium in our hallway.
She’s good.
As are my sisters.
And I am not.
In fact… I would go so far as to say that I the anti-Lauren shopper.
Today I went shopping for some jeans. Here’s my haul…
From the Buckle…
- 2 pairs of jeans
- 2 t-shirts
- 1 belt
Total: $416.91
From Macy’s…
- 1 pair of shoes
- 1 shirt
Total: $150.94 (the shoes were on sale)
From Abercrombie & Fitch…
- 1 jacket
Total: $108.18 (also on sale for 50% off… woohoo)
Grand Total: $676.03
…And I was proud of myself for keeping it so low. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t crack my top 20.
And I can’t even fathom doing it much cheaper.
But I’m pretty sure Lauren could clothe a small island nation for that amount. (She was a great sport, by the way. Didn’t even blink at the Buckle.)
And I would be ashamed to let Brooke see my receipts because she probably has coupons and some crazy buying combination that would give me 90% off and I’d also go home with 37 tubes of Colgate toothpaste for free… or something like that.
But I am whatever the opposite of bargain shopper is. I think they could even name it after me. Or maybe it’s just called “male” shopper. I don’t know.
I do know, however, that the two shopping experiences could not be any more different.
I like shopping with Lauren. Because it’s like a game. It’s competitive. You can keep score. It’s fun.
But not nearly as fun as just going out and getting exactly what I want and then coming home. Now that’s a successful shopping trip.
Which shopper are you?